INTREPOL CKE in light of the growing cybercrime threat
The significant proliferation of cybercrime is an ever-growing concern across the globe. Its cross-border nature renders it harder to grasp and track which calls for evermore stronger cooperation between concerned authorities.
In order to mitigate these complexities, the efforts that INTERPOL dedicates to countering cybercrime are more than ever palpable. One of the many leverages that INTERPOL possesses as an intergovernmental organization is facilitating worldwide cooperation between law enforcement authorities to better understand the stakes of the phenomenon and to forge harmonized modalities to cope with eventual attacks and vulnerabilities.
To concretize this objective, INTERPOL put in place a set of Cybercrime Collaboration Services; and it is in this framework that the Cybercrime Knowledge Exchange was launched.
INTREPOL CKE: its role and objectives
The INTERPOL Cybercrime Knowledge Exchange (CKE) is a platform on which law enforcement, governments, international organizations, and selected cybersecurity industry experts can pool their technical and scientific resources for the common benefit of fighting cybercrime.
The INTERPOL CKE has the format of a workspace in which a broad array of contributions is disseminated by various subject-matter experts. The disseminated elements comprise, for instance, academic and scientific articles, tools for better detection and investigation of cyber criminality, and news regarding cybercrime.
The goal of the INTERPOL CKE is to dynamize these exchanges to match the pace of the proliferation of cybercrime worldwide. In fact, the idea that guides the INTERPOL CKE is the indispensability of knowledge sharing that can anticipate and effectively counter mutations of cybercriminal behaviour.
This shared data is a goldmine for different actors in the fight against cybercrime. As it indexes an important set of resources, The CKE is now sought after by many prominent stakeholders.
Privanova’s participation in the INTERPOL CKE
Privanova has been taking part in the INTERPOL CKE since 2021, a privilege that it enjoys as a leading consultancy with extensive expertise in working directly with LEAs. With a network that regroups many organizations, we have the opportunity to present the results of our EU-funded research projects across numerous platforms.
In fact, Privanvoa works on several EU-funded projects that relate to cybersecurity and the fight against cybercrime. In this sense, we work on projects such as CC DRIVER, CYBERSPACE, AI4HEALTHSEC, MARVEL, and TRACE.
This interest that we have at Privanova in the fight against cybercrime reaffirmed the CKE as one of our most important dissemination channels. As part of our dissemination of project results and progress in our projects, we had, for instance, shared a scientific article on the Cloud forensics framework for law enforcement agencies, shared open calls for the recruitment of stakeholder board members, and addressed pertinent questionnaires to cybersecurity professionals.
Liaising effectively with relevant stakeholders is at the foundation of the success of innovation projects as it helps us to present project results that are both sustainable and optimally exploitable. The CKE is, therefore, an indispensable tool to optimize our efforts.
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