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SAFEHORIZON Project Officially Launched: A New Era in Cybercrime Prevention

The SAFEHORIZON project has officially launched, bringing together a consortium of 13 international partners to tackle the growing challenge of cybercrime.

GLocalFlex Mid-Term Review: Consortium Gears Up for Future Goals

On September 12, 2024, the GLocalFlex consortium held a successful mid-term review to evaluate the progress and outcomes of the ambitious project aimed at enhancing energy flexibility across Europe.

LEA Project Cluster - A Journey Towards Enhanced Cybersecurity

The Law Enforcement Agencies (LEA) Project Cluster, spearheaded by CYBERSPACE, stands as a beacon of cooperative effort, pooling resources, knowledge, and expertise from multiple EU-funded projects to tackle the intricate challenges of cybersecurity.

How to Identify the Appropriate Call for Proposals and Receive EU Funding

Identifying and analysing calls for proposals is critical in managing EU-funded research projects. This process involves assessing calls to determine their relevance to your idea, scientific and technological capabilities, and business or research objectives. Here’s a guide to help you approach this strategically and boost your chances of success.

Join the iMERMAID Open Call #1

Join iMERMAID Open Call #1 and access innovative solutions to protect the Mediterranean from pollution and environmental challenges. Apply by September 17, 2024!

AI and the GDPR: A Balancing Act

The GDPR plays a crucial role in shaping the ethical and legal landscape for AI development and deployment.

Ethics First: Driving EU Project Success with Privanova’s Expert Advisory

Privanova's Ethics Advisory services are designed to ensure that your EU project adheres to the highest ethical standards within the EU Ethics Appraisal Scheme.

The Importance of a Data Management Plan for EIC Accelerator Projects

A Data Management Plan (DMP) is an indispensable part of projects funded by the EIC Accelerator. Here’s why a DMP is crucial for your innovative venture and how it aligns with EIC requirements.

Facilitate Project Consortium Meets in Modena for Mid-Term Review

The FACILITATE Project consortium recently convened in Modena, Spain for a crucial mid-term review with the European Commission (EC). The project, now in its 24th month, aims to revolutionize clinical trial data sharing by placing patients at the forefront.

Farhan Sahito at UN: Advocating for Global Technical Assistance and International Cooperation against cybercrime

Farhan Sahito, partner at Privanova, had the honour of speaking at the Joint Constructive Dialogue on Technical Assistance and International Cooperation hosted in Vienna by the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) on June 7, 2024.

iMermaid: Third Consortium Meeting in Finland

We were happy to begin the iMERMAID EU Consortium Meeting in the spectacular VTT venue in Espoo, Finland.

First Ethics Advisory Board Meeting for ELOQUENCE Project

Recognizing the paramount importance of ethical considerations, Project ELOQUENCE convened its first Ethics Advisory Board meeting on April 26, 2024, marking a pivotal moment in the journey towards ethical AI innovation.

The Importance of Ethics Compliance in the DRG4FOOD Project

In an era where digital transformation is reshaping industries and everyday life, the food sector stands at the cusp of a revolution driven by data and advanced technologies.

CONVERT Kick-off Meeting in Nicosia, Cyprus

The kick-off meeting for the CONVERT project took place on January 24 and 25, 2024, in Nicosia, Cyprus, at the European University Cyprus.

Data Management in the iMERMAID Project

In the area of pioneering research undertakings such as Project iMERMAID, proper data management emerges as a critical success factor.

The Energy Nexus Cluster: Pioneering Innovation in Europe's Energy Sector

The European energy landscape is at a pivotal juncture, marked by an urgent need for sustainability and security.

Empowering Cyber Resilience: Insights from CYBERSPACE Latest Workshop

On April 4, 2024, Privanova took a significant step towards empowering organizations by hosting the "CYBERSPACE Enhancing Cyber Resilience: Addressing Key Gaps in Cybersecurity Knowledge" workshop.

iMERMAID: The First EAB Meeting

In the fast-paced world of research and development, where innovation intersects with ethical considerations, programmes like iMERMAID serve as lighthouses illuminating the route ahead.

Unveiling ELOQUENCE: Pioneering Conversational AI in Europe

Voice assistants and chatbots have become ubiquitous in various technological pipelines, both commercial and governmental.

The EU's Bold Move to Enhance Cybersecurity

In an era where digital threats loom larger with each passing day, the European Union has taken a significant leap forward with its recent provisional agreements aimed at fortifying the bloc's cybersecurity infrastructure.

Democratizing Energy: How GLocalFlex Empowers Consumers Across All Energy Sectors

In a world where energy consumption is a critical part of our daily lives, the need for a more inclusive, sustainable, and consumer-focused energy system has never been more pressing.

Proposal Management as a Service

In order to ensure European excellence in Research and Innovation, the European Commission offers a variety of funding mechanisms, such as many components of the current Horizon Europe program.

A Glimpse into the Future of Cybercrime Reporting and Collaboration

The recent CYBERSPACE Stakeholder Board meeting, held on 29th November 2023, marked a pivotal moment in the ongoing fight against cybercrime.


The third Ethics Advisory Board (EAB) meeting was held on Thursday 23rd June 2023. 

The intensification of global efforts to regulate AI

Rapid advancement of artificial intelligence now intervenes in all sectors and the call for regulation becomes a necessity.

Understanding and contextualising the NIS2 directive

On the 16th of January 2023, the NIS2 (Network and Information Security) Directive (EU 2022/2555) was adopted by the European Union. The directive comes in a context marked by a resurgence of cybercrime both in forms and numbers.

The iMERMAID project kicks off in Burgos, Spain

Pollution in the Mediterranean basin is a tremendous threat to ecosystems and, behind them, the many sea-related economic activities of the large population that relies on it.

Understanding Lawful Interception in the Age of Advanced Communication Technologies

In an era marked by digital transformation and rapid advancements in communication technologies, our understanding of privacy, security, and the measures employed to safeguard both is constantly evolving.

DigiCare4You EAB meeting

The second DigiCare4You EAB meeting was held on 6th June 2023). The Ethics Advisory Board (EAB) was formed to keep the interests of the general public and civil society in mind.

The Future of Energy: Understanding the GLocalFlex Approach to Local Energy Systems

As we navigate the transition to a more sustainable, low-carbon future, the need for flexible and efficient energy systems has never been more critical.

The CERIS and EU-funded projects

With the continuous rise of security challenges in the European Union, stemming from technological, operational, and geopolitical origins, it has become evident that research in the domain is of utmost importance.

DigiCare4You Ethics Compliance

This text provides details on the ethics requirements and action points taken (or they will be taken) in order to ensure that the EU-funded DigiCare4You project satisfies ethics compliance requirements and relevant laws.

Understanding the FAIR data principles and their use

Bolstering the EU's Cyber Resilience: The Imperative of Reporting Cybercrime

INTERPOL CKE as Privanova’s Dissemination Platform for LEAs

INTERPOL CKE as Privanova’s Dissemination Platform for LEAs

The significant proliferation of cybercrime is an ever-growing concern across the globe. Its cross-border nature renders it harder to grasp and track which calls for evermore stronger cooperation between concerned authorities.

The European Health Data Space: A new catalyst for medical innovation

The European Health Data Space: A new catalyst for medical innovation

Secure and exploitable data flows are a key element in the European Strategy for Data. They are perceived as an asset set to fuel Europe’s future innovations, increase the competitivity of its companies and contribute to the overall quality of life of its citizens.

Horizon Europe Data Management Plan from an Ethics Perspective

Horizon Europe Data Management Plan from an Ethics Perspective

Innovative, interdisciplinary R&D projects produce large amounts of research information. Depending on the nature of the project, its scope and research objectives, the information used or created during the project lifecycle may include personal data.

Copyright infringement as a form of cybercrime

Copyright infringement as a form of cybercrime

Copyright (or author’s right) is a term that commonly refers to a regulation or set of regulations that define the scope and protect the rights of creators of literary (including software), dramatic, musical and artistic ...

Data Protection Officer (DPO) in EU-funded projects

EU-funded projects The General Data Protection Regulation has brought in many advances and additions, among which is the role of the Data Protection Officer (DPO).

Cloud forensics framework for law enforcement agencies

Cloud forensics framework for law enforcement agencies

In its continuous engagement in cybersecurity-related topics, Privanova has contributed to the publication of a scientific paper in the Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University on the 30th of April.

Privanova at the ISF Chapter in Paris

Privanova took part in the Information Security Forum Francophone Chapter meeting. Organised in Paris on the 29th of March 2022 the event focused on cybersecurity and provided an excellent opportunity for the regional ISF members to meet and discuss security and risk management issues.

Clinical Trials Regulation in H2020 and Horizon Europe

Privanova’s portfolio of EU-funded projects includes several innovative, interdisciplinary initiatives focusing on health-related issues and clinical trials.

EIC Accelerator and its importance for your start-up

Technological innovation is a key element in the European Commission’s R&D strategy. Through Horizon2020 and Horizon Europe, it succeeded in creating an environment for the development of solutions that use innovation for the public interest.

Privanova discusses cybersecurity at the UN

Privanova is honored to announce that it was among rare organizations presenting at the First intersessional consultation of the Ad Hoc Committee established by the UN General Assembly to elaborate a comprehensive International Convention on Countering the Use of Information and Communications Technologies for Criminal Purposes.

European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity (ECCRI) and its role in Horizon Europe

In its innovation strategies, the European Commission has always been insistent on the importance of values such as responsibility and excellence in all research activities that it funds.

Privanova’s Dissemination Channels

The Horizon Europe rules stipulate that EU-funded projects need to have tangible results that must be widely disseminated and exploitable.

AI4HealthSec Ethics Challenges

AI4HEALTHSEC is a scientific research project focused on cyber security and privacy risks in the health care domain. The main objective of the project is to propose a state-of-the-art solution that improves the detection and analysis of cyber-attacks and threats on informational infrastructure that stores/processes healthcare data.

CYBERSPACE Project Kicks Off

CYBERSPACE’s virtual kick-off meeting was conducted on 9th – 10th December 2021.

LEA Cluster: increasing the impact of several EU projects

Depending on the available resources, the EC can fund multiple projects addressing the same topic.

Europol Data Protection Experts Network (EDEN) and its importance

As the European Union’s law enforcement agency, Europol works in cooperation with different law enforcement authorities to fight against international crime and terrorism.

Benefits of GDPR Compliance for Exploitation of Project Results

Protection of personal data and privacy are one of the most important ethical challenges. Across all EU research funding schemes, Ethics has a transversal nature. For that reason, it prevails all working packages and task within scientific and research projects.

MARVEL: a case study for an Ethical AI

By using cutting-edge technologies, the MARVEL project aims to provide a framework useful to the public authorities to detect audio-visual events and achieve contextual awareness in smart cities.

FACILITATE Project – Kick-off Meeting

The FACILITATE project consortium organised a virtual Kick-off meeting on January 24th and 25th 2022. Besides the project officer representing the European Commission, more than 80 representatives of 26 consortium partners were in attendance.

IoT-NGIN Ethics Compliance

Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the quickest developing segments within the ICT ecosystem. However, due to numerous positive effects of the IoT this concept generates societal and economic challenges.

Privanova – INTERPOL Cybercrime Knowledge Exchange Member

We are proud to announce that as of October 2021, Privanova has the access to INTERPOL’s Cybercrime Knowledge Exchange (CKE).

CYRENE Hackathon

The CYRENE Project where Privanova is a partner, organises its first hackathon. The event will take place on October 14th and 15th 2021 and will last for 24 hours. Registration is open until the 11th of October.

IoT-NGIN Open Call 1

The IoT-NGIN project in which Privanova takes part organizes two Open Calls with the aim to increase the public awareness of the project and welcome new members in the IoT-NGIN community.

Clustering in Horizon Europe

With the European Commission insisting on the importance of multiplying impact across several projects usually funded under the same call, clustering in Horizon Europe becomes a critical activity.

Privanova’s dissemination partner: Crowdhelix

When project outcomes are transformed into concrete benefits for society, they maximise the scientific, social, economic, technological and policy value of the project and, in turn, further contribute to making Europe a global reference in Research and Innovation.

Ethics Appraisal Process: Main Reference Documents

Ethical research conduct implies the application of fundamental ethical principles and legislation to scientific research in all possible domains of research.

Ethics Advisory Board in Horizon Europe: Functions and Role

Ethics Appraisal Process in Horizon Europe: Key Changes

The Horizon Europe introduced several important changes concerning the way the Ethics Appraisal Process is organised for EU-funded research projects.

DigiCare4You – KickOff Meeting

A virtual DigiCare4You kick-off meeting was held on April 8th-9th 2021. The participants included Privanova, representatives of the European Commission and an international, multidisciplinary consortium of 16 partners (from Europe, USA and Australia), including the key partners who developed and implemented the Feel4Diabetes-study and BlueStar®.

Tackling the Illicit financial flows – the TRACE project starts

Due to the impact of increased and spread of ICT-related crimes and illicit financial flows (IFF), there is a need for innovative policing tools, skills, organisational and regulatory adaptations to counter these threats.

Artificial Intelligence and Ethics in EU-funded Projects

Artificial Intelligence is the aim or the enabler in many ongoing EU-funded projects and upcoming Calls for proposals.

AI4HealthSec: ensuring privacy in healthcare ICT infrastructure

The significant advancements in ICT have paved the way to its utilization in improving healthcare for individuals and communities all over the world.

CYRENE Expert Workshop

On March 31st, Privanova organised the first CYRENE Expert Workshop together with the project coordinator, our consortium partners and representatives of all three external advisory boards.

MARVEL Kick-off Meeting

Fifty participants from seventeen partner organisations and the Project Officer representing the EC discussed roles, ways of working, quality assurance process, ethics compliance and financial reporting.

Living-in.EU: Digital Transformation in the European Cities

The smart city environments are becoming increasingly popular and are being widely adopted across the globe, owing to the tremendous advancements in Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence.

Next Generation Internet of Things: IoT-NGIN Project Starts

The Internet of Things (IoT) has been identified as one of the next big concepts to support societal changes and economic growth.

CYRENE – Resilience and Cybersecurity of Supply Chains

In the modern era, Global Supply Chains are a way of life for modern business. In a sense, they are the veins of global trade and economy.

IBM: Artificial Intelligence and Research Projects

IBM: Artificial Intelligence and Research Projects

For Artificial Intelligence (AI) made in Europe, three key principles are: “interoperability”, “security by design” and “ethics by design”.

Conditional Clearance and Ethics Requirements

All H2020 projects must comply with ethics principles and relevant laws. Ethics and data protection issues are given the highest priority in H2020.

CC-DRIVER Kickoff Meeting

CC-DRIVER was formally launched at a virtual kick-off meeting on 6-7 May 2020, which was attended by more than 30 representatives from partner organisations.

Opinion on the European Gambling and Betting Association’s draft Code of Conduct

The European Gaming and Betting Association (EGBA) is the Brussels-based trade association representing the leading online gaming and betting operators established, licensed and regulated within the EU.

Privacy Impact Assessments for H2020 Projects

Performing Privacy Impact Assessments on H2020 projects is an essential part of a risk-based approach to privacy and data protection the EU promotes.

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